Building3D Terms of use

Download and Use Policy

  1. Purpose: The purpose of this Building3D dataset is to facilitate academic research and education, as well as possible non-commercial applications.
  2. Copyright protected: This dataset is protected by copyright. Any unauthorized copying, distribution, or modification is illegal.
  3. Non-commercial use: The use of this dataset is permitted for non-commercial purposes only. Commercial use is prohibited without prior written permission.
  4. Upon registration, you will be granted the privilege to download the data.

Submission Policy

  1. The submission system may not be used to train or tune methods by evaluating multiple parameter or feature choices and reporting the best results obtained. Repeated submissions of similar method results are also prohibited.
  2. If a user wishes to report multiple results in ablation experiments for various versions of their algorithm (such as parameters or features), this must be done using the training data. Only the best-performing setting of the novel method may be submitted for evaluation to our submission system.Users are not permitted to register multiple times on the server using different email addresses.
  3. Every three months, we delete entries older than six months that are either anonymous or do not have a linked paper.
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